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December 17, 2010


Tania D

I teared up reading this very personal post. I feel the same way a lot of times (boy - 7, girl - 3). I want to smother them with love, but I like to see them go to bed on time so that I can have a much needed break. My son and I have a routine as well, and sometimes I feel myself getting irritated with the length of time it can take at bedtime. Some days when I shut his door after the long routine, I'm so tired and happy to shut the door. And, sometimes, I shut the door while he is in mid-sentence and I feel bad.

But, as you say, the years go by so fast and I know I'm going to be sad when he stops the routine. I try to remind myself of that fact.

I like your thought: the days are long and the years are short. That is so true. I don't want the years to slip by, but certainly, some days I'm glad they are over. tania


Perspective is hard to keep in the heat of the moment. Regrets seem almost impossible to avoid. I have found myself growling at my kids when enough is past enough, knowing full and well my frustration is really with my own lack of control. ... Of them as well as myself.

This really does sum it all up, though. This push and pull is our predicament as human beings. Thanks for the reminder.

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