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« peace and the unknown | Main | life with you »

February 16, 2010



Oh wow. I re-read your old post from "yesteryear." So beautiful. Seems like you two've been waiting for each other for a lifetime, and then finally found one another in the middle of the night, somewhere out there in that Tennessee dorm ... lovely.

Rebecca (Ward) Butterwick

I'm so glad you linked back to your original post. It was and is lovely.

I met my husband on-line as well, and I also remember that awkwardness of the first in-person meeting, when I couldn't look at him, and could only look at his hand holding mine for the entire drive from the airport. I also had the same sort of reaction from my mother: "What if he's a MUURRRDDERERERER???" I started my intermittent livejournal blog with a reference to that, almost eight years after we first met and three years after we married.

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