pregnant (April 6th)
Originally uploaded by jessamyn.n.
I had thought it would be easier to take a photo each day once the weather got nicer, and I guess it probably would be if not for the fact that the long-awaited arrival of spring has coincided with the last two months of my pregnancy. We've gone for a lot of long walks the past few weeks, and normally I would bring my camera along, but since it's about all I can do to haul my own self (and that other self wriggling around inside me) around, I've been leaving behind everything else. No purse, no camera, no nothing. Geoff brings his wallet and our keys. On Saturday we walked over a mile to Heartland Cafe in Rogers Park, and then after we ate, we walked back. It was a beautiful, gorgeous day, and a lovely walk, but I don't have any pictures from it. (Or from the whole day, or from the day before.)
Yesterday after I got home from a quick trip to Target during Katie's nap, I left the garage door open so that I could walk down the alley to this tulip tree that's in full bud. Its blooms will be showing long before this baby is born, I assume. I wouldn't be surprised, even, if the blooms are already long gone by that time. Still, it won't be long.
Any baby news... you are missed.
Posted by: Meredith | May 09, 2008 at 12:49 PM