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March 21, 2008


Cheryl (fsutrill)

Big hugs! I know with the first pregnancy all you do is sit around and BE PREGNANT and eat and pee (except for those 3 days in the 2nd trimester between the early peeing and then the peeing because the baby is sitting on your bladder...those are a very nice three days...). It gets kinda sucky when you are pregnant and there's another kid there bc doggone it they want attention and food every once in a while.
Glad you're back, at any rate...


Loving the pictures, and loving reading things are looking up!


I've often wondered how on earth I was going to handle having a second child, since just being pregnant took all my energy the first time around. I have a feeling I'll be going through the same emotions when my time comes.

Glad to read you're feeling better, physically and emotionally.


It's always such a treat when you update. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your life with us.


I love you, and I love when you post, and I hope you will do so in the coming weeks. You are beautiful!


Thanks for the update! I've been following you on Flickr but "hearing" your voice is so much nicer!


Welcome back- you were truly missed. Congrats on the pregnancy (wow only 10 weeks left!) and having another girl. My sister is my best friend and partner in crime. Please keep writing.


I've got 8 weeks to go as of Monday, and I feel the exact same way. Pregnancy with a child on the ground is certainly more of a challenge. Sometimes when I get home from work - ok, most days - all I want to do is go to bed... with a 3-year-old, that option is mostly gone.


This is so utterly awesome, hon! That little face on the ultrasound already looks like it's smiling--that's because the baby will be born into a wonderful, functional family, to a great "bis sister," mom, and dad.

That job thing ... I hear you. As a project manager, I get much post-hoc anger and propter-hoc pressure myself, BUT when things get so frustrating that I just want to walk out, I always remember the glorious paycheck, the health insurance, and the other benefits that I would otherwise not have. Plus, a job is a good thing to have these days, so if you don't have to, you might not want to quit just yet.

Many good wishes and hugs!


Thanks, Charlotte! Not only do I not have to quit? I really can't quit, at least not unless I want to be foreclosed on, at least certainly not without another job. And strangely enough, I don't feel like job hunting while I'm 7 months pregnant! I'm not on the verge of quitting, especially not now. But I certainly don't like everything about it. And I wish I felt like I was getting a "glorious" paycheck - it's all relative, of course, but I'm sure not feeling the glory.

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