To sum up the past almost three months: this pregnancy is kicking my ass.
It's not that anything unusual or incredibly difficult is going on physically. In fact, the past month or so has been really great in that respect; I'm no longer having daily headaches, feeling continous nausea, or suffering from extreme fatigue no matter how much sleep I get, and I'm not (quite) yet big enough that I have to have a debate with myself about whether or not it's worth it to try to pick something off the floor. The cold and cough that lasted for over a month have been gone for at least a month by now. And the baby in there kicks and punches and twists and turns many, many times each day, so often that even my newly cynical mind doesn't consider, morbidly, on a daily basis, whether or not she's possibly died in there. (I was thinking that routinely for awhile, not because I expected it, but just because my frame of mind was very much along the lines of "anything bad can happen.)
But I've been an emotional basketcase. I think I've been better during the last week (although I probably shouldn't say that for fear of jinxing myself), but before that, wow. Look out. I don't have any way to test whether or not I'm more emotional and sensitive than I was when I was pregnant with Katie, but I know that I've been crying more often, feeling hopeless more often, wanting to throw things against the wall more often. I blame, in large part, the awesome child I live with, who is just doing her part toward growing up - she's testing her boundaries. Constantly. I remember being weepy and sensitive when I was pregnant with Katie, but I don't remember feeling, over and over, like I was on the verge of a tantrum. It's probably not a coincidence that when I was pregnant with her, nobody ever woke me up in the middle of the night. There was nobody to stop me from going to bed as early as I wanted, or from falling asleep on the couch before dinner. I didn't have to put anybody else to bed (negotiating with me every freaking step of the way) when all I wanted to do was to collapse in a chair in front of the tv.
The two major issues we've been facing with Katie have been sleeping through the night - and going to bed on time - and pooping in the toilet. The way things have shaken out, these end up in direct conflict with each other, because most days she will hold her poop all day, until after bedtime, and then she'll poop in her overnight diaper. Sometimes it takes her 45 minutes or an hour to do that, and by then it's almost my bedtime.
Work has also been incredibly frustrating lately. I won't write much about that here, but I will say that the job itself, even on the best days, is full of possibilities for getting frustrated, since no one ever submits a claim unless and until something has gone wrong. So by the time I talk to someone, they're usually already angry, and I am often the first person they can take it out on. When you also take into account the suckage of the real estate industry these days, it means I'm doing spending more time doing more work which is more difficult for people who appreciate it less. Despite that, we aren't getting any raises this year, and the corporate office adds new requirements on a near-weekly basis. And this winter has been full of snow and ice and snow and ice and gray, dreary days with no sunshine. Today it has already snowed at least 6 inches.
And on top of all of the other hard stuff, I find myself thinking often, lately, about my sister in law Stephanie, who in August 2002, three months before Geoff and I got married, asked me when we were going to make her an aunt. Who came to visit more than once while I was pregnant with Katie, and who took me out to get manicures and pedicures about two months before my due date. Who apparently bragged about Katie to everyone she knew, and who knew how much we wanted another baby. Who told me often about how much she looked forward to having her own children. I know she would have been excited for us, with this new baby on the way. If she were alive, I bet she would be visiting sometime soon, to take me for a pedicure, to stock our freezer full of ice cream, and to offer to babysit for Katie while Geoff and I went out to a movie or dinner. There aren't that many people who put their hands against my stomach and felt Katie kicking from the other side, over four years ago, but Stephanie was one of them, and facing the birth of this new daughter makes me think about her. I miss her.
And although I don't really grieve my miscarriage in an emotional way anymore, it has been on my mind lately, too. It hasn't been quite a full year since I found out I was pregnant, but it seems like it, since I had my first positive pregnancy test that time on Good Friday 2007. I found out that the fetus had died on May 31, 2007; this baby is due to be born on May 29, 2008, almost exactly a year later. I certainly don't feel like the baby is cursed because of this; in fact, lately, when I think about it, it comforts me for some reason, as if this is all part of an intricate cylical plan.
This is not how I planned this post to go. This is where my head has been, a lot of the time, over the past few months. But there have been plenty of good things, too.
We had a second trimester ultrasound, where we were told that the doctor was "98% sure" that we're having a girl.
Katie started drawing pictures of our family holding hands.
And writing her own name. (She can write all the letters of the alphabet now, nearly perfectly.)
My niece turned one.
Katie started participating in a new "liturgical dance troupe" at the church. She's in a group with 2 or 3 other 4 year olds and one 5 year old. She loves it.
As for that "other four year olds" part? Katie turned four at the beginning of this month. She is everything I was hoping I'd get when I wanted a child, and when I found out I was having a daughter - and lots more bonus things besides, and I told her so.
Oh, and I've gotten a bunch of cute maternity clothes online from Target.
At the beginning of the year, I decided to try to post one picture per day on Flickr. I'm not exactly meeting my goal - I think I've missed 7 days already. But it's still been satisfying - a tangible record of the past few months that pleases me to look back at, and reminds me in a very literal way that this year has not all been difficult and crazy-making. Some of it has been downright wonderful.
(Click on that photo to read the story behind it, because it's pretty awesome.)
It's just a little over two months before my due date, and we don't have a place for the baby to sleep. (The old crib is broken and has pretty much had it.) In order to create a place for the baby's bed to go in our room, we need to move the Ikea wardrobe in our bedroom out to the back porch. But in order to move it to the back porch, we need to move lots of stuff back there down to the basement. And it's possible that things in the basement will have to be moved around to find a place for what's coming down from the back porch. Counting this weekend, we have 10 weekends until my due date, and I think we need to make them count. Geoff also needs to complete his doctoral requirements no later than June (according to the school), and no later than we have a NEWBORN IN THE HOUSE (according to me). I think it will be a busy spring.
But I also think it will be a good spring, and an even better summer. The cynicism that's been surrounding me for the last four or five months seems to be lifting, and I feel like I am going back to my old self, able to see and appreciate my blessings even on bad days.
I just wanted to let you know.
Big hugs! I know with the first pregnancy all you do is sit around and BE PREGNANT and eat and pee (except for those 3 days in the 2nd trimester between the early peeing and then the peeing because the baby is sitting on your bladder...those are a very nice three days...). It gets kinda sucky when you are pregnant and there's another kid there bc doggone it they want attention and food every once in a while.
Glad you're back, at any rate...
Posted by: Cheryl (fsutrill) | March 21, 2008 at 04:52 PM
Loving the pictures, and loving reading things are looking up!
Posted by: Stefania | March 22, 2008 at 02:46 AM
I've often wondered how on earth I was going to handle having a second child, since just being pregnant took all my energy the first time around. I have a feeling I'll be going through the same emotions when my time comes.
Glad to read you're feeling better, physically and emotionally.
Posted by: jana | March 22, 2008 at 02:13 PM
It's always such a treat when you update. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your life with us.
Posted by: Colleen | March 22, 2008 at 08:38 PM
I love you, and I love when you post, and I hope you will do so in the coming weeks. You are beautiful!
Posted by: Eliza | March 23, 2008 at 08:15 AM
Thanks for the update! I've been following you on Flickr but "hearing" your voice is so much nicer!
Posted by: Laura | March 24, 2008 at 11:02 AM
Welcome back- you were truly missed. Congrats on the pregnancy (wow only 10 weeks left!) and having another girl. My sister is my best friend and partner in crime. Please keep writing.
Posted by: Meredith | March 26, 2008 at 12:11 PM
I've got 8 weeks to go as of Monday, and I feel the exact same way. Pregnancy with a child on the ground is certainly more of a challenge. Sometimes when I get home from work - ok, most days - all I want to do is go to bed... with a 3-year-old, that option is mostly gone.
Posted by: JennB33 | March 27, 2008 at 02:17 PM
This is so utterly awesome, hon! That little face on the ultrasound already looks like it's smiling--that's because the baby will be born into a wonderful, functional family, to a great "bis sister," mom, and dad.
That job thing ... I hear you. As a project manager, I get much post-hoc anger and propter-hoc pressure myself, BUT when things get so frustrating that I just want to walk out, I always remember the glorious paycheck, the health insurance, and the other benefits that I would otherwise not have. Plus, a job is a good thing to have these days, so if you don't have to, you might not want to quit just yet.
Many good wishes and hugs!
Posted by: Charlotte | March 27, 2008 at 03:41 PM
Thanks, Charlotte! Not only do I not have to quit? I really can't quit, at least not unless I want to be foreclosed on, at least certainly not without another job. And strangely enough, I don't feel like job hunting while I'm 7 months pregnant! I'm not on the verge of quitting, especially not now. But I certainly don't like everything about it. And I wish I felt like I was getting a "glorious" paycheck - it's all relative, of course, but I'm sure not feeling the glory.
Posted by: Jessamyn | March 27, 2008 at 04:57 PM