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June 21, 2007


sarah jane rhee

Jessamyn--I only recently learned of your loss, and I'm so very sorry. I'm glad you are finding healing, and I hope you continue to share your feelings and experiences with us, and that in doing so you may find even more healing. *Hugs*


It is so good to know that you are feeling better.

Jason Falls

We're still thinking about you guys, hoping for healing and better days ahead. Thank God for Katie and Geoff. Thank God for you for reminding us to grab each other and squeeze sometimes.


Hopeful is good. And it's really really great that your OB seems so caring and lovely and that she is offering to start you on some fertilty treatment rather than waiting, because you're right, you don't need to go through those months of disappointment again if you don't have to.
Take care of yourself.


I'm very glad you updated, I think of you often. I had a miscarriage last year and I am still amazed at the power of hormones being released from your body. I had headaches, like you, and I think you can feel it when the miraculous lift happens and you start to feel - not good - but better. I wish you luck trying to conceive, I hope you know that we are all thinking of you and hoping for the best.


Yea glad you are feeling better...and healing day by day. Hugs to you. ((hugs))


I'm glad to see that you are doing OK. I hope that you continue to heal.


I am so so sorry for your loss. I had a good cry for you and your family the other night, reading through your posts. I pray that all your dreams for another child come true.


It's really good to see that you're starting to feel better.


I'm glad your headaches have abated, Jessie. Thinking of you. . .


I'm so glad to read this post. Keep feeling better.


I just came upon your blog. I'm very sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I miscarried at 7 weeks in April. I want to tell you that it will get easier as much as you don't think it will. I still have my days where it's hard, I'm going through that right now. For some reason I realized I'd be 5 months along and I broke down. I am thinking about you. It's actually good to read about someone that is close to where I am, in that you are waiting to try again. So are we. I'll be reading.

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