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« Way to tell you're in a good holiday mood #537 (November 22nd) | Main | Katie talks about the ball-yations »

November 29, 2006


Jackie Danicki

I try to laugh my ass off. But I'm in such a bad mood right now that I don't wanna. I wish you weren't down here with me, though!


Silly as it may sound, up until a few short years ago I thought it was just *me* who had these 'how am I doing' mental conversations with myself ... and I'm still glad when I hear someone else indicate that they do it too! What's going on in my head at this time of the year? Some mental energy is definitely expended on dreaming of a future when I can escape to the sunshine for several months every Winter. Either that or permanently migrate somewhere southwards with my little family.


We are very financially challenged this year so I try to remind myself that it's the little things that are worth enjoying. I may not be able to buy gifts for everyone but I can sure bake up some cookies and fudge. And we're getting a real christmas tree for the first time in 10 years. And I love the holiday music and this year I'm going to find a church to join.


Every winter I try to hang in there and remember that spring always comes back again. The snow and intense cold snaps make it difficult to get out easily and I feel angsty much of the winter but I try to get a grip at least a few times a week.


How wonderful and exciting to have Katie at such a fun age for the holidays. It sounds like you are in a good place right now and anytime you can count your blessings instead of focusing on the negative, things are really, really good.


Winter for me is like that guy I got all excited about in high school. It starts out all crisp and new and exciting. And then I find out that there is slush and darkness and layer-ing of clothes and blahness. I usually want to break up with winter before Valentine's Day so I don't feel obligated to get it anything.

(I just discovered your blog through serendipitous clicking. Is that spelled correctly? Serendipitous? Ah well.)

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