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« Exercising my right to change | Main | Add to list of things to do: work on snappy comebacks. »

July 12, 2005



wooohooo!!! good for you!!


Go Jessamyn! Go! :) Three times in five days ROCKS!!


you've inspired me to start using my galter center membership again! my OB-GYN told me i probably won't be able to lose too much weight while i'm still breastfeeding because my weight history has been so much influenced by hormones, but maybe i can prove her wrong...i'm envious of the energy you've gotten from working out, cuz lord knows i needs me some of that!


Never feel silly giving yourself props for making it to the gym - sometimes I think if you brag on yourself a little, it motivates you to return!

Good for you! That is definitely an accomplishment!


Awesome, Jessamyn!!


Well done!!!!
Getting started is a great motivator! I found it's true for everything (if I feel like slacking at work I start writing down what I get done rather than what I have to do - and it kicks me into action!)

I lost ten pounds just before Christmas and I had a similar problem fitting the gym into my day, if I hit home after work i knew I wasn't going to leave again, so I just headed there after work.

Yes your skin is bound to already feel pinker and suppler, because you increase your heart rate overall during the day, so more blood is flowing.

I am onto my next goal now - dragging the husband there, and it is working!

Keep it up, you're doing great!!!

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